In California, a class action lawsuit against The Mill and Yurcor has been tentatively settled, striking a major blow against Yurcor’s “Employer of Record” service. The core of the dispute was the practice of using employee wages to pay for employer taxes. That’s a no-no.
The Animation Guild (Local 839 IATSE), who provided support to the artists in the class action suit, is setting its sights on NYC next.
Steve Kaplan of TAG:
The New York artists originally voiced many of the same complaints made in California, but added that the practice was much more prevalent in NYC. We are now ready, willing and able to help New York artists. (Source)
Interest form for NYC Artists
If you’re a NY artist who’s worked through Yurcor and want to recover questionably deducted wages, TAG is encouraging you to fill out this form.
NOTE: Please only fill out the form if you’ve worked through Yurcor in NYC.
Further Reading
If you’re interested in learning more about this issue, TAG’s Steve Kaplan has been writing about it for quite some time:
- The latest VFX scam: get the artists to pay the taxes
- Wage theft: What can you do?
- Artists Taking Stand
- Outreach for NYC artists
Photo by bruckerrlb / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
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